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Join the Chamber

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We keep our membership dues affordable, as low as 48 cents a week for the nonprofits, civic organizations and owner only businesses. We add value to your business through credibility, promotion and exposure in our printed materials, on social media posts and website directory.


Benefits of becoming a member


CHAMBER WEBSITE – We have a new home on the web to advertise your business globally. All members receive a listing page that includes a media gallery and links to their website and social platforms.


ANNUAL EVENTS – Throughout the year, we host or sponsor events our community looks forward to. Chamber members have an opportunity to promote their business during the events.


NETWORKING – A couple of times throughout the year we offer opportunities for businesses and community members to engage.


REFERRALS – We refer people to your business. As a Chamber member, this brings credibility through validation of being an established, trustworthy business.


INCREASED VISIBILITY – Throughout the year, we host or sponsor events our community looks forward to. Chamber members have an opportunity to promote their business during the events.

Membership Form

For your convenience, there are several ways to join the Limestone Chamber of Commerce.

Step 1: complete a membership form online. Upon submission, you will automatically be directed to Step 2 where you can pay online. 


Alternatively, you can download and print a membership form to mail in with your membership dues.


Whichever combination of membership form and payment you use, we look forward to welcoming you as a new member.

Membership Form
Limestone Chaber of Commerce logo

2025 Online Membership Form

Membership Level:
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Payment Method for Dues:
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